How does our new technique of fUS compare to gold standard ?

How does our new technique of functional Ultrasound (fUS) compare to gold standard intra-operative neuro-imaging techniques such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) or Electrocortical Stimulation Mapping (ESM)?Find out in our latest paper published in NeuroImage, where we perform co-registered, multimodal functional experiments with the help of awake craniotomy patients: Paper link


Do you want to image an exposed brain? Read our new paper!

Neurosurgical practice provides rare and direct access to the exposed human brain, which is otherwise safely hidden under the skull and dura. This exposure provides a unique opportunity for both neuroscientific as well as clinical goals, especially when harnessing techniques which have limited transcranial penetrability. How do we fully harness this potential? Which techniques are