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CUBE Principal Investigators
Assistant Prof.
Dr. Sebastiaan Koekkoek
Principal Investigator within CUBE with a focus on Neuroscience
Erasmus MC Department of Neuroscience
Assistant Prof.
Dr. Ir. Christos Strydis
Principal Investigator within CUBE with a focus on Computer Engineering
Erasmus MC Department of Neuroscience
Assistant Prof.
Dr. Ir. Pieter Kruizinga
Principal Investigator within CUBE with a focus on Ultrasound
Erasmus MC Department of Neuroscience
Our Team
- Core Team
- Executive Board
- CUBE Participants
- Main Collaborators
- Alumni/Past Members

Dr. Arnaud Vincent
Neurosurgeon Erasmus MC

Dr. Djaina Satoer
Clinical linguist / Assist. Prof. Dep. of Neurosurgery

Dr. Michael Brown
Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Sadaf Soloukey
Postdoctoral Fellow

Ir. Georgios Smaragdos
Systems Administrator

Ir. Bas Generowicz
PhD Candidate

Luuk Verhoef
PhD Candidate

Sotirios Panagiotoy
PhD Candidate

Ellen Collee
PhD Candidate

Frits Mastik
Research Analyst

ing. Stephanie Dijkhuizen
Research Analyst

Lexi Zhu
Master Student

Emma Gommers
Master Student

Morrisen Snoeren
Bachelor Student

Prof. Dr. Chris I. De Zeeuw
Chairman Dep. of Neuroscience (EMC)

Prof.dr.ir. Ton van der Steen
Head of Biomedical Eng. Thoraxcenter (EMC)

Dr. Arnaud Vincent
Neurosurgeon Erasmus MC

Prof. Dr. Clemens Dirven
Chair Department of Neurosurgery (EMC)

Prof.dr.ir. Nico de Jong
Head of Acoustical Wavefield Imaging (TUD)

Dr.ir. Hans Bosch
Assoc. Prof. Department of Biomedical Eng. (EMC)

Dr. Valeria Gazzola
Head of Gazzola Group (NiN)

Prof.dr. Wiro Niessen
Dep. of Radiology and Medical Informatics (EMC)

Myrthe Ottenhoff
PhD Candidate (EMC/Princeton)

Dr. Aleksandra Badura
Assist. Prof. Dep. of Neuroscience (EMC)

prof.dr.ir. Alle-Jan van der Veen
Chairman Dep. of Microelectronics, CAS (TUD)

Prof.Dr.Ir. Geert Leus
Full Prof. Dep. of Microelectronics, CAS (TUD)

Prof. Dr. Marion Smits
Full Prof. Dep. of Radiology (EMC)

Dr. Borbála (Bori) Hunyadi
Assist. Prof. Dep. of Microelectronics, CAS (TUD)

Aybüke Erol
PhD Candidate Dep. of Microelectronics, CAS (TUD)

Dr.Ir. Michiel Pertijs
Assoc. Prof. Dep. of Microelectronics, EI (TUD)

Pim van der Meulen
PhD Candidate Dep. of Microelectronics, CAS (TUD)

Konstantinos Lazaridis
Master Stud. MicroLab, (NTUA)

Dr. Harry Sidiropoulos
Postdoctoral Fellow

Ir. Angelos Ntasios
Research Analyst

ing. Nikki van Dorp
Research Analyst

Ir. Farnaz Nassirinia
PhD Candidate

Nina de Oude
PhD Candidate

Mado Ntekouli
Master Student

Karishma Kumar
Master Student

Eva Neeleman
Master Student

Chagajeg Soloukey Tbalvandany
Master Student

Jan de Jong
Master Stud. Dep. of Quantum/Comp. Eng. (TUD)